Digital Marketing Network

digital marketing

Digital Marketing Network Media

In today’s internet world, since the 1990s, we are seeing lots more media available for internet marketers to use in targeting specific audiences.
This is especially so, with the raise of the social media. Just the social media alone, consist of about few hundreds platforms to choose from.

social media marketing

Social Media for Digital Marketing

What are the popular digital marketing network media available today? There are a few social media that people are always talking about.
Media like YouTube is most spoke about as video is becoming the most engaging media today in the 2018. Other still very popular platform is Facebook, that started in the 2007. Social media that is in raising popularity among the younger generation now is Instagram. Twitter is still fairly on the more matured audience. Then there is a business social networking platform known as LinkedIn, that is great for business connections and networking. Those who are trying to get B2B contacts and connections are going there to connect and have conversation with people. This platform is gaining popularity as it is the easiest way to get in touch with decision makers.

Digital Marketing for Search Engine Optimization

As search engine optimization requires connection with several media platforms to connect the website and increase popularity, this process requires connection with many media platforms. Some of the activities and connection that makes the website popular include link building from various high authority websites. When one website gets backlink from several high authority websites, the website popularity increases and search engine will put the website on the top 10 position of a list of keywords search.

Normally, guest posting is one of the most done activities for high quality link acquisition. Guest posting writes content on a high authority website with anchor text that links the content back to another website for reference. As a higher authority website refer the link to your website, this tells Google that your content is worth sharing. This become a factor for ranking your website on top 10. Other platforms used by SEO professionals include directories listing sites for local SEO, Classified Ads sites for listing of offer and web 2.0 blogs. These are popular platform for sharing information about a business or stories where people can find online. Just these few categories alone, there are thousands of sites that are of these categories.

Using Digital Media Platforms with Care

As we don’t want to be seen as spamming and manipulating with the search engine, we don’t want to over do our search presence with these platforms to look like we are spamming. These will get our website or blog deindexed. This mean people won’t be able to find you online. That will greatly hurt your credibility and efforts.